Oxbridge offers

Academic excellence is one of Reading School's core values and we are delighted to report that this year a record-breaking 33 students have been offered places at Oxbridge colleges for a wide range of highly competitive courses.
Competition for places at Oxford and Cambridge is notoriously fierce, consequently we view this remarkable success rate as one measure of the sustained progress made by our students and we are proud to celebrate their accomplishments. We would like to congratulate everyone that went through the rigorous admissions process from application, to admissions tests, through to interviews and we salute the endeavours of all our students in Year 13 who continue to show ambition and resilience, whatever the outcome. These characteristics are fundamental to our second core value: Champions of Character.
We are also delighted by the 425 offers currently received from other top Universities including several unconditional offers, often for courses which are amongst the most competitive globally, including some which have up to 12 applicants per place, whilst we wait patiently with our Y13 applicants for medical courses, who will begin receiving offers next month.
Mr A Robson, Headmaster said:
“Such outstanding results are testimony to the ability of our pupils and the expertise and dedication of our staff. In particular we owe a real debt to our alumni as well as the parents of our alumni who continue to make an annual peregrination back to school to lead mock interviews and offer advice to our candidates.
Every generation of Reading School students really does stand on the shoulders of giants, and the success of this cohort is in no small part due to the outstanding service. These positive outcomes were made possible through the support of the Sixth Form Team led by Mrs C Fooks and Miss S Drummond, the support of Heads of Department, form tutors and the Society Manager, Mrs J Chhokar.”
Please see the attached reflection of a Year 13 student’s journey through the application process:
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