Congratulations to Milan G (10E) on reaching his fundraising target

Milan set out to raise funds for three excellent causes last academic year and exceeded his target raising a total of £1500.
Milan completed 52.5 hours of volunteering over the last few months at school, as Captain for house and year.
- £500 Ruth Strauss foundation for counselling for your people
- £500 Reading school cricket provision
- £500 to Theale and Tilehurst Cricket club which receives match funding for the pitch upgrade and becomes £1000.
This was achieved by asking friends and family to sponsor his hours, embarking on a corporate sponsorship campaign and by undertaking some video editing work. He has received £5 a match wicket and has taken 32 match wickets this season. Mr and Mrs Gupta paid all fees and wicket money to ensure every penny went to these good causes.
Milan and Mr & Mrs Gupta have been extremely supportive in Milan’s efforts and of the School and we commend them in all their efforts. Mr and Mrs Gupta and Milan sincerely thank the Reading School community who have supported Milan.
Mr S Allen (Head of PE) and Mr A M Robson (Headmaster) have been extremely impressed with Milan's efforts and said:
"We congratulate Milan on reaching his target and for taking up the initiative to raise funds for three good causes. Donating to the causes you care about not only benefits the charities themselves, but it can be deeply rewarding on an individual basis. Allocating funds to improve cricket provisions, ready for the Summer Term is a priority".
If you are interested in sponsoring Reading School Cricket, please do get in touch Mrs J Chhokar (Society Manager) as we continue to build invaluable partnerships with local organisation and businesses to support our students in sports provisions.
#WeAreRedingensians #ReadingWay #ReadingSchoolFamily #Charity #GivingBack