Reading School’s Careers Convention 2022

Reading School was delighted to host its biennial Careers Convention on Thursday 3 March 2022
We were delighted to welcome over 800 Reading School students and parents, over 40 representatives from diverse employment sectors and professions, along with 4 keynote speakers from multinational organisations. Students from years 8 to 13 were invited to our biennial event, which represents a particularly important opportunity to support pupils to make decisions about their GCSE, A-level and higher education options.
Our Headline Sponsor was Leiper Gupta Family Lawyers, a Legal 500 UK Leading Firm based in Reading which helps with all aspects of divorce, separation, civil partnerships, nuptial agreements and other legal issues that can affect family life.
We were also grateful to our sponsors, Wiser Academy, who offer training and development support within the insurance industry and King Energy a local family run plumbing and heating firm.
Four keynote speakers shared their experiences and insights throughout the evening during a series of inspiring talks. Martin Millmore, an Engineering Manager, shared his career journey from Cern to Google, with some key messages about building resilience while navigating a career and how we can all adapt and learn from setbacks; Michael Wilson (OR 1991-1998), Director at Citi, shared his exciting career with several investment banks and various IT start-ups and consultancies. He provided an overview of the overlap between IT and finance; Tom Whipple (OR 1993-2000), Science Editor at the The Times, shared how writing for the Reading Rag (a Reading School newspaper) took him on an adventurous career in writing which combined his love for Mathematics and Science with journalism; and Orla Harper, Partner Development Manager from InvestIn who shared tips on creating a CV, employability skills, building a personal brand and the importance of networking.
We would like to take this opportunity to thank each one of our keynote speakers for volunteering their time to attend the Reading School Careers Convention 2022.
The evening also featured many local employers from a wide range of industries (from Law to Science) who all met with students to discuss career pathways. Organisations include: ARUP; BDO LLP; KPMG LLP; Royal Berkshire Hospital NHS; Wood plc; National Grid and RAL Space, to name a few.
Our gratitude also goes to the time given by all our delegates, which included 14 Old Redingensians who returned to Reading School as delegates to share their experiences in their chosen field. Students have had an opportunity to hear from them while they shared their career journeys since leaving Reading School, while providing reassurance to those not knowing which career to pursue, while encouraging them to explore every opportunity available to them.
Reading School is also indebted to all our volunteers and is very fortunate to have alumni, current and former parents, as well as friends connected to our school who all come together as a Reading School community to work in partnership and deliver an array of career opportunities and wisdom shared with students.
Feedback from delegates, parents and pupils included:
Shan S (Year 10) said:
“Thank you so, so much for organising this amazing careers evening! I truly believe it was invaluable for all the students who attended. I really enjoyed the lectures from the keynote speakers as well, and I'm sure the rest of the student body agrees with me. Hats off to the Reading School team!”
David Cook, Head of Medical Physics and Clinical Engineering (Royal Berkshire Hospital Trust) said:
“I was really chuffed to bits that so many of our team gave up their evening to attend, and as you say, there really was an amazing buzz to the session. Also, I have to say that the refreshments were utterly delicious, and the organisation of the event was superb, so it was absolutely worth every second. This is a great opportunity for us to inform bright young people about science careers in the NHS, and I really hope we have inspired one or two to consider this as a possible future career. Thanks again and I am sure we will want to repeat this next time.”
Ben Lewis (OR 2017), Consulting Analyst (Deloitte LLP) said:
“I was surprised I was busy all evening with engaged students asking lots of questions. A superb event and lovely to give back to the School.”
Neeraj Mawkin (OR 2008), Director (CS) said:
“I’ve lost my voice, as I didn’t stop all evening speaking to enthusiastic students. It is fantastic to come back and be able to give back in some way, especially as this is where it all started for me. If it had not been for Reading School I would not be where I am now.”
Please click to see Careers Convention 2022 Photo Gallery.
Reading School continues to develop networking and mentoring opportunities. Therefore, we encourage all alumni to join Reading School LinkedIn which has over 3500 ORs, as well as join the Reading School Alumni Society, where we will be piloting our mentoring programme to benefit our sixth form students and undergraduates.
Our last face to face Careers event was in 2019 before the pandemic impacted school and wider life. We would like to applaud the time that the entire team has put into planning and delivering the Reading School Careers Convention, which has the aim of making a positive impact on the lives of our students. With this in mind we thank (in no order of importance):
Mrs L Ayres (Assistant Head), Mrs Jas Chhokar (Society Manager), Miss Piatrice Hutchinson (Society Coordinator) for managing and coordinating the event. Mr J Roberts (leading the Estates Team) and Mr M Zakrzewski (leading the catering team).
Thank you to all the staff and parents who supported on the night including: Mr T Evans (Assistant Head), Mr D McGall (Assistant Head), Mr A Lloyd (Assistant Head & Housemaster), Ms. C Desai (Careers Advisor), Dr Kennedy (Teacher of Biology), and Mr Jesus Sanchez (Boarding Housemaster), Ms S Eggers (Teacher of English) and Co-Chairs, Kirsty McInnes and Kirsta Rizzo from the RSPA. Mr D Singh (Community Relations Manager) for covering the event in order to share it with those that could not attend.
Once again, our excellent student ambassadors who acted as delegates for the first time ever, shared recent UCAS applications and Oxbridge knowledge: Harish R, Archie T, Dinindu W, Matthew C, Fin S and Arvind A (Year 13s). As well as those who undertook roles and responsibilities on the night demonstrating competencies such as team work, leadership, collaboration, flexibility and remaining approachable and respectful to our guests at all times. Thank you Adam P (School Captain); Daniel Vetsko; William L; Dominic S; Ollie B; Neil P; Toby C; Thomas M; Rovindu H; Ewan A L; Ransen P; Vaibhav M; Kalvin G; Aryan G Oliver L; Roshan P; Karan B; Mithun R S; Jacob M; William M; Armaan C (Year 10); Milan G (Year 10) Branson R (Year 11) Kavin A (11W). A huge thanks to our boarders who volunteered to assist with the setting up and taking down of the English Rooms: Jeremi C; Parthiv M; Pavi P; Inura I; Miaka C; Danyal K; Abhiram B; Jonathan O; brilliantly look sled by Harry A.
As posted on the Student Teams Channel, please note that Dr Rebecca Harwin who represented RAL Space would like to confirm, those interested in work experience, that applications for work experience end TODAY. Applications can be made by visiting (
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