The Frank Terry Memorial Lecture with Stefan Fafinski DL (OR1978 - 1985)

We welcomed Stefan Fafinski DL (OR1978 - 1985) who returned to Reading School as our guest speaker for the annual Frank Terry Memorial Lecture.
Having attended Reading School, Dr Fafinski went onto read Natural Sciences (Physics and Theoretical Physics) at St John's College, Cambridge, and spent the first 15 years of his career in the IT industry. He then studied for a law degree as a mature student, which led to him completing a PhD in technology law at the University of Leeds. He is currently a Chair of the Parole Board for England and Wales, a Thames Valley Family Magistrate and a Deputy Lieutenant for Berkshire, assisting the Lord Lieutenant in representing HM The King in the County.
Dr Fafinski delivered his lecture on the critical function of parole in the criminal justice system of England and Wales to an audience of students from Reading School, The Abbey School and Kendrick School. We would like to thank him for his insights into how the Parole Board operates and the impact they can have in the lives of offenders.
From left to right: Geoff Hobbs, Stefan Fafinski, Richard Hall, James Vickers
Thank you also to the Old Redingensians Association and Professor Francis Terry for arranging this event together with Reading School’s Society Office.
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